If, as you read this, you feel a faint breeze ruffle your hair, do not worry. It is merely I, sighing deeply from the depths of cyberspace. as we reach the end of the week still in a state of leaky loo and (in Andy's case) some kind of lingering food poisoning. Our Landlord is actually a lovely chap and having been round to see the state the floor is in - sodden, soft and rotting - decreed that it is to be replaced. Reasons to be cheerful.
So, poor Andy is in official sick mode, ensconced on the sofa with Lucozade and daytime TV. I seem to have recovered now; my immune system is Amazonian, and I feel vaguely normal again. So it fell to me to pick the first strawberries of the year (I gave most of them to the invalid in a moment of supreme self sacrifice)...
So, poor Andy is in official sick mode, ensconced on the sofa with Lucozade and daytime TV. I seem to have recovered now; my immune system is Amazonian, and I feel vaguely normal again. So it fell to me to pick the first strawberries of the year (I gave most of them to the invalid in a moment of supreme self sacrifice)...

...and keep up the nightly slug patrols. I was joined last night by a pair of large frogs, who are doing sterling work devouring the hordes of greedy, veg guzzling gastropods, and this beauty, flolloping around my Marmande tomato bed.

I am rather superstitious where numbers are concerned, so as three people have asked me to do the ubiquitous seven/eight things about me, and as it has been such a dreary week, here they are. You have Sue of Picture Dreams, Sweetpea, and Un Peu Loufoque to thank for this.
1) I tend to read magazines backwards - that's where the interesting stuff is.
2) I have four modest tattoos on my left and right forearms. This was not considered ladylike when I had them done twenty odd years ago and still isn't. (Not that I have ever been concerned with that, then or now).
3) I dislike wearing socks, especially with footware, due to a distressing childhood experience. I will avoid wearing them even when the weather is freezing.
4) I was orphaned when I was twelve.
5) I vowed to become an artist when my father died, (for him) and my life since then has been single mindedly dedicated to that end. If I'd had a normal childhood and followed my own inclinations, I would probably have become a naturalist of some kind. (This has only been a recent bit of self discovery and I'm still dealing with it).
6) I have always lived in rented accommodation, and never lived anywhere more than five years, despite having a deep and lifelong need to have roots.
7) My secret desire, if I ever had enough money, would be to have singing lessons.
I think everyone in the Universe has done this tag by now, so I fling it open to the winds.
1) I tend to read magazines backwards - that's where the interesting stuff is.
2) I have four modest tattoos on my left and right forearms. This was not considered ladylike when I had them done twenty odd years ago and still isn't. (Not that I have ever been concerned with that, then or now).
3) I dislike wearing socks, especially with footware, due to a distressing childhood experience. I will avoid wearing them even when the weather is freezing.
4) I was orphaned when I was twelve.
5) I vowed to become an artist when my father died, (for him) and my life since then has been single mindedly dedicated to that end. If I'd had a normal childhood and followed my own inclinations, I would probably have become a naturalist of some kind. (This has only been a recent bit of self discovery and I'm still dealing with it).
6) I have always lived in rented accommodation, and never lived anywhere more than five years, despite having a deep and lifelong need to have roots.
7) My secret desire, if I ever had enough money, would be to have singing lessons.
I think everyone in the Universe has done this tag by now, so I fling it open to the winds.